
aritzia silky shirtdresssunny sohoheatwaveshirtdress: Babaton via Aritzia; shoes: Kate Spade; sunnies: Lanvin; necklaces: Bauble Bar; watch: anthropologie

One day, during the first few weeks of fourth grade, I decided to wear a pair of shorts over leggings to school (I’m probably dating myself writing this but take my word for it…it was a thing). A friend saw my outfit and asked why I needed the shorts in addition to the leggings.

As I didn’t yet have the skill to communicate my need for sartorial self-expression, I instead told her I wanted to be ready for a heatwave and proceeded into a rendition of ‘Heatwave’ a la Whoopi Goldberg in the opening credits of ‘Sister Act’ (again, I’m probably really dating myself here!!)

But enough with fourth grade…the whole point of this little digression is to say that in this lightweight silk shirtdress, I feel ready for a heatwave. Which is a good thing as the temps yesterday topped out in the 90’s and will be in the mid-80’s today. I am certainly not complaining, I’m just glad that I’ve come up with a more stylish way to deal with sudden heat since being a kid.


8 responses

  1. First thing I did when looking at the picture was to check whether the blue of your dress was picked up elsewhere in the landscape. Sure enough your camera friend found it in the blue bicycle. I enjoy these pics so much. They are always art.

    • Actually, as I’m the one who scouts all the locations (and truth be told, I do keep my eyes peeled for coordinating backgrounds) I think I can take credit for the matching blue bike.
      Thanks for noticing!!!

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